Item Coversheet



Planning and Zoning Board Members

 FROM: Kimberly Haigler, Senior Planner   


January 3, 2024 
 SUBJECT:**FD23-00012 - REQUEST TO CONTINUE TO 02/07 P&Z - Palm Bay Pointe West - Vishaal Gupta, Kimaya, LLC (Jake Wise, P.E., Construction Engineering Group, LLC, Rep.) - A Final Development Plan for a proposed PUD to allow for a commercial and multi-family subdivision to be known as Palm Bay Pointe West. Tax Parcels 1, 500, 4, 750, 751, and 5, along with Tracts SM-2 and OS1 of Waterstone Plat One P.U.D., all in Sections 3 and 4, Township 30, Range 37, Brevard County, Florida, containing approximately 84.75 acres. Located west of and adjacent to Babcock Street SE, north and south of St. John’s Heritage Parkway 


A request to continue Case FD23-00012 to the February 7, 2024 Planning and Zoning Board Meeting.


Board Action is required to continue the case.


City Council will hear the request on March 7, 2024.


**Quasi-judicial proceeding.