Item Coversheet



Planning and Zoning Board Members

 FROM: Lisa Frazier, AICP, Growth Management Director  


January 3, 2024 
 SUBJECT:T23-00030 – Fitness Centers Permitted Use - City of Palm Bay (Growth Management Department) - A Textual Amendment to the Code of Ordinances, Title XVII, Land Development Code, Chapter 185: Zoning Code, Sections 185.042, 185.043, 185.044, 185.045, and 185.054 to permit fitness centers and other indoor and outdoor health, recreational, and similar facilities for exercise, sports, and other physical activities within the Neighborhood Commercial (NC), Community Commercial (CC), Highway Commercial (HC), Light Industrial (LI), and General Commercial (GC) zoning districts. 


T23-00030 Staff Report
T23-00030 Land Development Code
T23-00030 - Legal Acknowledgement
T23-00030 - Legal Ad